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Lightning Safety 101: Protecting your construction site and workers

Construction Safety


With proper warnings and training, construction site managers can take actions to ensure workers' safety and prevent damage to equipment and materials during lightning storms.

Key Highlights

Each year, there are an estimated 1.2 billion lightning strikes around the world

Lightning happens when there is a buildup of electrical charge in the atmosphere

Educating construction site crews on lightning dangers is crucial to ensure the safety of workers


Lightning happens when there is a buildup of electrical charge in the atmosphere. It's a bright, sudden flash of light often accompanied by the sound of thunder. Lighting happens when electricity is discharged between the positively charged upper atmosphere and the negatively charged ground. Lightning can happen in different weather conditions, including severe thunderstorms, hurricanes, tornadoes, even snow. 


Each year, there are an estimated 1.2 billion lightning strikes worldwide. Lighting strikes are also more frequent where tall objects exist, like at construction sites, because they can create an upward pathway for the electrical charge. Protecting construction sites against lightning is crucial to ensure workers' safety and prevent damage to equipment and materials.

By taking these measures, construction site managers can help ensure workers' safety and prevent damage to equipment and materials during lightning storms.

  • Be aware of weather conditions
    Monitor weather conditions and forecasts, and take action if lightning is in the forecast. AccuWeather For Business clients can speak directly to a storm warning meteorologist to get site-specific updates when severe weather and lightning threaten. This service is available 24x7x365.

  • Minutes, not miles
    Our lightning warnings will give you a competitive advantage because of our minutes, not miles, approach. You don't have to sacrifice safety for outdoor productivity. This means more timely shutdowns to maximize productivity. Each notification's “start time” is when AccuWeather meteorologists forecast the hazard to meet your threshold, depending on how fast the storm moves. For example, AccuWeather will alert you when a storm capable of producing lightning moving at 20 mph will impact your location in 30 minutes. 

  • Training
    Train workers on lightning safety and emergency procedures to prepare them for lightning strikes. Periodically have drills to ensure everyone knows what to do when lightning threatens. 

  • Evacuation plan
    Have a clear evacuation plan in place in the event of lightning strikes. Construction site supervisors should inform all workers of the plan and understand how to exit the site safely. AccuWeather For Business can help you develop one if you don't have one. 

  • Seek shelter
    Encourage workers to seek shelter inside a building or vehicle and avoid seeking shelter under trees or other tall structures.

  • Grounding
    Ensure that all equipment, including scaffolding and cranes, is properly grounded to prevent the buildup of static electricity and potential lightning strikes.

  • Install lightning rods
    Site supervisors can install lightning rods on tall structures or equipment to divert lightning strikes from the site and into the ground.

  • Turn off electronics
    Turn off all electronic equipment and machinery during a lightning storm to prevent damage from power surges.

Superior Accuracy™: Better informed, Better protected, Better prepared.

Be proactive with AccuWeather SkyGuard Warnings backed by Superior Accuracy™, which will deliver site-specific alerts and warnings well before severe weather hits, giving you more time to prepare. 

SkyGuard Warnings help you protect your employees and equipment before severe weather impacts. We provide customized warnings specific to your venue locations and severe weather threats that could impact safety and operations for lighting, high winds, heat, heavy rainfall, tornadoes, and more. 

Find out more about how AccuWeather For Business can help secure your construction site and better protect your equipment and people from the dangers of lightning. Demo SkyGuard today. 

Protect your employees from the dangers of lightning.

Demo SkyGuard today.