5 ways weather alerts can help your business

Stay ahead of severe weather and protect your people and your profits with the alert service that works for your area.
Key Highlights
With climate change on the rise, severe weather is one of the top concerns for business interruption
Alert and forecast services help companies get the right information at the right time to make key weather-related decisions
AccuWeather’s forecast tools and alert services help businesses stay protected throughout any season
Get the Forecast First
Weather can play a factor no matter the business you’re in. Snowstorms, hurricanes, wildfires, and other natural disasters can cost companies thousands of dollars in lost revenue, endanger their employees, and damage assets. But there are ways to protect your organization when bad weather approaches your area. Knowing what’s coming is key to planning ahead and enacting your emergency action plan in time. Weather alerts help you prepare in advance by giving you crucial weather threat information before other sources. Here are 5 ways alerts can make a big difference, no matter the season.Get ahead of hazards
Severe weather is the most likely business interruption hazard. Weather alerts give business leaders the time needed to mitigate the impact. Services like AccuWeather Snow AlertsTM even allow you to customize alert thresholds for hazards that matter to you, such as snow and ice, so you know the greatest weather threat to your business well in advance.
The 7-day forecast isn’t the full story
The biggest winter storms or severe weather outbreaks might look like any other inclement day if you’re only looking at temperature and precipitation probabilities. Site-specific weather insights give you the actionable information and advance notice needed to prepare your business for the worst. Alert services can provide as much as 5 days advance notice ahead of major weather events. Some services even deliver this information through multiple channels, so you can ensure your team always has the latest information. AccuWeather SkyGuard® delivers notifications for all weather types via SMS, email, web, the mobile companion app, and through third-party mass notification service integration.
Local matters
False alarms can be just as costly as bad weather if not properly managed. Don’t be caught off guard with wide-range warnings that may not apply to you. Localized information is very important so you know when you really need to prepare. Site-specific weather alerts can greatly reduce false alarms and minimize service interruptions that might otherwise occur due to broad public warnings. Another type of alert includes AccuWeather’s Null Notifications, which are issued when a National Weather Service Tornado Warning includes your county, but no tornado is expected to pass within 3 miles of your asset location within the following 30 minutes.
Expert forecasting at your fingertips.
Weather systems can change strength and direction quickly so listening to last night's news report isn’t enough. Weather alerts not only allow you to see the latest forecast on your mobile devices, but also connect you with a reliable source of experts. This is especially important due to climate change: tomorrow's storm is likely to be worse than yesterday’s. Meteorologists and climatologists factor in how climate change is influencing our weather patterns, especially with regard to severe weather. Our Snow Warning ServiceTM offers 1 to 1 consultation with meteorologists 24/7, 365 days a year so you can get answers specific to your questions from the experts.
Know what to expect after the storm
Some basic weather services focus only on what's coming, but conditions during and after the storm are just as important and still impact your business. The effects of a system can be felt weeks after it has left the area. Power outages and property damage can bring your business to a halt. Weather alerts help you plan for these conditions before they happen, ensuring you secure the supplies and resources needed to keep working.
AccuWeather’s forecasts help protect lives and property. Whether it's rain, snow, or severe weather, AccuWeather helps you battle any elements that Mother Nature throws your way. Our groundbreaking forecast tools ensure you stay ahead of any severe threats, all backed by our expert meteorologists and Superior Accuracy™.