AccuWeather Historical Data
Data drives business. Weather data drives business intel and success.
Are you factoring weather into your strategy? Weather impacts energy demand, consumer buying behavior, labor scheduling and other important tasks you manage every day. Extreme weather is the new normal. We can help your business win against mother nature.
AccuWeather uses enhanced techniques to produce a single database of historical, current and predicted weather data to help your business achieve long-term strategic success. Our custom data is comprehensive, accurate and quality-controlled and expands in real-time every hour. Our list of available weather variables, both hourly and calendar day, is the industry definition of metric diversity. Transferring and ingesting our data in a format that seamlessly integrates into any analytics platform is easy and will lead you to find unique relationships between your operations, sales and weather, no matter your industry.
70+ years of domestic and international data
70+ weather variables for hourly data
350+ weather variables for daily data
40+ years of experience providing affordable data to businesses
Depending on conditions, weather and environmental events can compress or lift your sales. Our variance-capturing metrics help you find previously unknown correlations impacting your sales and operational data, including stronger and more relevant correlations than mere temperature and precipitation. Data can be zip code-specific, allowing you to compare and categorize point of sale, in-store data, labor statistics, and more.
Database Variables:
- Percentile rankings of maximum & minimum temperatures
- All moisture variables (wet bulb, dew point, and relative humidity)
- Irradiance (direct and diffuse)
- Snow on the ground
- Air quality
- Flood binaries (1, 2.5, 10, 15, & 25-year return frequencies)
- Soil temperature, soil moisture, and growing degree days
- Extreme event binaries (hurricane, severe, hail, tornado, power outage, earthquake, and dozens more)
- Evapotranspiration, pan evaporation
- Fire danger ratings
By integrating our proven, accurate weather analytics with your company’s point of sale information, you will obtain desired benefits, including:
- Winning Marketing Campaigns. Understand how certain weather events and conditions have impacted your sales. Use forecasted weather data sets to correctly schedule your marketing campaigns and achieve maximum results.
- Better Team Member and Inventory Management. Have the right number of employees and inventory in the right locations at the right time to avoid labor shortages, price reductions, unsold merchandise, or excessive returns due to extreme weather.
- Accurate Sales Period Comparisons. Precise weather data can help you construct pinpoint sales comparisons over any time.
- Greater Operating Efficiencies. Keep your staff well informed and on track to grow and expand your business.
- Positive supply chain impacts. Plan more effectively and redirect merchandise to address demand during any severe weather event. Knowing where to ship merchandise has resulted in millions of added sales. Most importantly, know how weather will impact your suppliers.
- Assess consumer spending. Today, a growing number of companies are seeing the need to use historical weather records and accurate, long-range weather forecasts to assess consumer spending – resulting in greater sales and a greater ROI.
Examples of how weather data affects different industries:

Car washes
Temperatures, minutes of sunshine, lack of rain for three days, heavy snow means heavily salted vehicles.

Coffee retailers
Seasonality, should they sell hot or cold drinks? If October is abnormally cold, more hot pumpkin coffee will sell than iced.

Golf courses
Temperature, humidity, lack of rain, wind gusts, daylight hours, potential storm threat, etc.Want a quote?
Pricing is simple and contains compelling economies of scale. We price data based on the amount of data requested by metric count and location selected. Fill out the information below and Get a Quote today!