AccuWeather Historical Data
Outsmart your competitors and make informed business decisions with the most timely and comprehensive weather data available.
Historical weather data allows you to identify weather’s impact on your business. Sales revenue, guest count, consumer demand, inventory replenishment, marketing/promotions, product mix, and staffing can all be optimized with weather intelligence.
If you’re not factoring weather into your daily strategy, now is the time to start. And AccuWeather for Business has the data you need, when you need it, and in the format you want it.
70+ years of domestic and international data
70+ weather variables for hourly data
350+ weather variables for daily data
40+ years of experience providing affordable data to businesses
AccuWeather’s Weather Database
AccuWeather has designed, installed, and perfected a system to collect real-time historical data and to fix missing data. The system also collects and corrects invalid publicly available data in real time to expand our metric diversity; allowing us to offer an exclusive, and most complete library of data.
Variance-capturing metrics help you find previously unknown correlations impacting your sales and operational data, including stronger and more relevant correlations than standard temperature and precipitation. Data can be zip code-specific, allowing you to compare and categorize point of sale, in-store data, labor statistics, and more. Examples of just some of the available data variables include:
- Percentile rankings of maximum & minimum temperatures
- Irradiance: direct and diffuse
- Snow on the ground
- Air quality
- Flood binaries
- Soil temperature, moisture, and growing degree days
- Extreme event binaries
- Evapotranspiration, pan evaporation
- Fire danger rating
Want to see sample reports?
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