In early June 2023, a slow-moving storm system wreaked havoc across the Northeast, bringing severe thunderstorms with damaging wind gusts and hail. AccuWeather For Business issued timely warnings first to help companies and communities better prepare for potential risks.
On June 1, a day before the severe weather struck, AccuWeather's forecasts included impact-driven details that specifically warned about the potential for isolated damaging wind gusts across the Northeast. The forecasts were updated on June 2, highlighting the threats of hail and damaging winds, allowing businesses to mitigate risks and protect their interests proactively.
AccuWeather's accurate and detailed forecasts have helped businesses like these better prepare for severe weather events.
AccuWeather For Business is the weather provider you can rely on to get the precise information you need to better protect your assets, employees, and operations. AccuWeather's SkyGuard® Warnings, backed by Superior Accuracy, can deliver site-specific alerts and warnings before severe weather hits, giving you much-needed time to put your emergency plans into place. Want to learn more? Demo SkyGuard today.