Convergence Blog | Weather Intelligence by AccuWeather for Business

Surviving a tornado: Tips on how to shelter in place

Written by Adrianne Burke | May 4, 2023


Tornadoes can be devastating to businesses by causing significant damage to buildings, equipment, and inventory. When AccuWeather For Business issues a tornado alert, companies should immediately activate their emergency plan to protect their employees and assets. One part of a business emergency plan is identifying when to shelter in place instead of evacuating.

What is sheltering in place? 

Shelter in place is a protective action that means staying inside a building and seeking shelter in a small, interior room on the lowest level. For businesses, this can mean directing employees and customers to a designated safe area within the building. This area should be free from windows, exterior walls, and doors and have enough space to accommodate everyone who needs shelter.

  • Having a plan is crucial

When a tornado is imminent, businesses must act quickly to ensure everyone is aware of the situation and knows where to go. Implement a comprehensive emergency plan that includes communication protocols and designated safe areas. Businesses should regularly review and update this plan to ensure it is effective and up-to-date.

  • Put together an emergency kit

In addition to having a designated safe area, businesses should also have an emergency kit on hand that includes essential items such as water, a first aid kit, flashlights, and a battery-powered radio. This kit should be easily accessible and stored in a location known to all employees. It's also important to have a backup power source, such as a generator, in case of a power outage.

  • Remain calm

When sheltering in place at businesses, it's important to keep calm and reassure employees and customers who may be with you. Provide updates and instructions as necessary and help everyone stay focused on staying safe. Use materials such as desks, tables, and file cabinets to create a barricade between you and any potential flying debris.

After the tornado has passed, taking stock of any damage and ensuring everyone is accounted for is crucial. If there are any injuries, seek medical attention immediately. Contact your insurance company to report any damage and start the claims process.

During a tornado, staying informed about the latest weather conditions and any changes to the warning is essential.  That is where AccuWeather For Business comes in. Our Minutes Not Miles approach provides businesses with an advanced warning about the weather threat in terms of the time it will take for the threat to reach a specific location rather than just the distance of the threat. This approach allows businesses to make informed decisions about preparing for and responding to a weather event based on the available time rather than just the distance from the threat. It gives businesses more precise and actionable weather information to help them make critical decisions. 

Superior Accuracy™: Better informed, Better protected, Better prepared

Be proactive with AccuWeather SkyGuard® Warnings backed by Superior Accuracy™, which will deliver site-specific alerts and warnings well before severe weather hits, giving you more time to prepare. Plus, get access to a team of expert severe weather meteorologists watching out for your business 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

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