Convergence Blog | Weather Intelligence by AccuWeather for Business

Record-setting month: Businesses see an unprecedented number of severe storms and hail in July 2023

Written by Adrianne Burke | Aug 4, 2023

Businesses and communities across the United States witnessed several powerful weather events in July 2023. Not only did we see record-breaking heat waves, but there was an unprecedented number of severe storm reports and huge hailstones, according to the National Weather Service Storm Prediction Center. AccuWeather For Business expert meteorologists provide businesses with the most advance notice and accurate forecasts, backed by Superior Accuracy™ to help them better prepare for severe weather. Companies benefited from AccuWeather SkyGuard® Warnings and one-on-one consultations with expert meteorologists. 

>> SUCCESS STORY: AccuWeather delivers life-saving advance notice to businesses during an EF3 tornado in North Carolina

Unprecedented severe weather reports

July 2023 brought a surge in severe weather reports. More than 6,600 severe storm observations were reported, setting a new record for the highest number of preliminary July reports in history. Throughout the month, AccuWeather For Business warned companies and communities about intense weather systems such as the one that produced an EF3 tornado in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. The tornado struck a major Pfizer manufacturing and warehouse facility, resulting in extensive damage and the loss of over 50,000 pallets of medicine.  

>>READ MORE: Fact vs. Fiction: Severe Weather 

Huge 2+" hail reports

Last month, the U.S. experienced hailstorms with several storms with hailstones greater than two inches in diameter. The size and frequency of these hailstones make July the sixth month on record to see so many large hail reports. These hailstorms significantly impacted businesses by damaging property, affecting crops and the safety of employees. AccuWeather's expert meteorologists warned businesses so they could be better prepared for these hailstorms. 

>>READ MORE: Hidden cost of hailstorms: The impact on your business

Daily severe weather risk

In July 2023, AccuWeather For Business highlighted some risk for severe thunderstorms every day of the month for some part of the country. AccuWeather's meteorologists provided businesses with tailored, real-time forecasts and warnings, helping decision-makers plan and respond to potential risks. Their expertise helped companies minimize operational disruptions, protect employees, and enhance overall safety.

Severe weather: Impact on businesses

If not prepared, severe weather can significantly impact your business operations. AccuWeather For Business can help your organization prepare by assisting you with a business continuity or emergency response plan.  

  • Property damage - Hail can cause significant damage to buildings, vehicles and equipment. This damage can result in costly repairs and downtime for businesses, leading to financial losses.
  • Business interruption - Severe weather can force businesses to shut down temporarily. The loss of operating hours can lead to reduced revenue and productivity, affecting your bottom line. 
  • Inventory loss - Businesses with outdoor or exposed inventory may suffer damage due to hailstorms, resulting in inventory losses, potential shortages and decreased sales.
  • Supply chain disruptions - Severe weather events can disrupt transportation routes, causing delays in delivering raw materials and finished products. This disruption can impact production schedules and lead to additional costs.
  • Communication and power outages - Severe weather events can cause power outages. Businesses heavily reliant on electronic systems may need help managing operations and processing transactions.
  • Damage to vehicles - Companies that rely on fleets of vehicles, such as delivery services or transportation companies, may experience damage to their vehicles during hailstorms, leading to repair costs and downtime.

Superior Accuracy™: Better informed, Better protected, Better prepared.

Is your business ready for severe weather? Be proactive with AccuWeather SkyGuard Warnings backed by Superior Accuracy™, which will deliver site-specific alerts and warnings well before severe weather hits, giving you more time to prepare. Plus, get access to a team of expert severe weather meteorologists watching out for your business 24/7, 365 days a year.

Want to learn more about how we can help your business better prepare for hailstorms and severe weather? Demo SkyGuard today and protect your business, employees and assets.