Convergence Blog | Weather Intelligence by AccuWeather for Business

AccuWeather's minutes not miles approach to severe weather

Written by Adrianne Burke | May 2, 2023

What is the Minutes Not Miles approach? 

When severe weather hits, it can not only impact many industries and businesses but often directly impacts the bottom line. Severe weather, such as tornadoes, hurricanes, and thunderstorms, can lead to property damage, lost revenue, and even loss of life. In order to be better prepared, businesses need to stay informed with AccuWeather For Business about the latest weather conditions and have a plan in place to respond to potential weather threats.  Our unique approach of minutes, not miles, helps businesses prepare for and respond to severe weather more effectively.

The traditional way of measuring the distance between a severe weather threat and businesses is in miles. However, the distance alone doesn't provide companies with enough information to effectively prepare for and respond to severe weather events. AccuWeather For Business' minutes not miles approach takes a more practical and actionable approach by providing businesses with information about the time it will take for severe weather to reach a specific location rather than just the distance from the threat.

AccuWeather For Business has developed a proprietary algorithm that considers the speed, direction, and other factors related to the weather event to calculate the time it will take for the event to reach a specific location. This approach helps businesses make better-informed decisions about preparing for and responding to severe weather events based on available time.

 >>READ MORE: When minutes matter: how to plan for and respond to a SkyGuard Tornado Warning

What are the advantages? 

One of the advantages of the minutes not miles approach is that it gives businesses a more precise understanding of when a severe weather event will impact their location. This information is critical when taking action, and it gives companies a clear idea of how much time they have to prepare for and respond. For example, if a business is located in an area to be affected by a tornado, knowing that the tornado will arrive in 20 minutes provides a much clearer sense of urgency than simply knowing that the tornado is 20 miles away.

Another advantage is that it helps businesses focus their resources more effectively. Businesses can allocate resources more efficiently by accurately understanding when severe weather will arrive. For example, suppose a business knows that severe weather will arrive in 30 minutes. In that case, safety officials can focus on tasks to prepare better, such as securing equipment and moving employees to designated safe areas.

Superior Accuracy™: Better informed, Better protected, Better prepared.

AccuWeather SkyGuard® Warnings, backed by Superior Accuracy,  will deliver site-specific alerts and warnings well before severe weather hits, giving you more time to prepare. Plus, get access to a team of expert severe weather meteorologists watching out for your business 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Want to learn more about how we can help your business better prepare for severe weather? Demo SkyGuard today and protect your business, employees, and assets.