Convergence Blog | Weather Intelligence by AccuWeather for Business

Snow 101: Separating fact from fiction for businesses

Written by Adrianne Burke | Dec 1, 2023

Winter is almost here. Snow and ice can be a significant frustration and cause difficulty for business. Does your business know how to handle snow? We’re separating fact vs. fiction and have some excellent tips on how to deal with snow effectively and efficiently. 

Want to make the best decisions when snow and ice are in the forecast? Learn more about AccuWeather's Snow Warning Service

Fiction: Snow is just frozen water
Fact: While it is true that snow is made up of frozen water, it is not just frozen water. Snow is a complex crystalline structure formed when water vapor in the atmosphere condenses into ice crystals. These ice crystals then join together to form snowflakes, which can take on various shapes and sizes.

Fiction: Snow is not a serious business concern
Fact: While snow can be a lot of fun, it can also be a serious business concern. Snow and ice can create hazardous conditions for employees and customers and can also cause damage to property and equipment. In addition, snow and ice can disrupt transportation and logistics, leading to delays and increased business costs.

Fiction: Snow can be easily removed with a shovel
Fact: While it is true that snow can be removed with a shovel, it is not always easy or practical to do so. In some cases, snow may be too heavy or too deep to be effectively removed with a shovel, and in other cases, snow may need to be removed from hard-to-reach areas such as rooftops and awnings.

Fiction: More deicer is better
Fact: Some people believe using more deicer and salt is better by default. However, using too much deicer or salt can turn the area into a soupy mess, cause unpleasant chemical side effects, or even harm the local water supply. Also, some deicers can damage concrete. 

Fiction: Pouring hot water over ice is effective
Fact: It is a common myth that pouring hot water over an icy surface effectively removes ice. In reality, hot water doesn't stay hot for long and will eventually refreeze, forming black ice, which is even more dangerous to walk or drive on.

By debunking these myths and understanding the facts about snow and ice management, businesses can effectively deal with snow and ice, minimize risks, and ensure the safety of their employees and customers.

>>READ MORE: CHECKLIST: How you can prepare your business for winter storms

Here’s where AccuWeather’s Snow Warning Service can help your business this winter

To make the best decisions every time, you need the Superior Accuracy™ of AccuWeather's Snow Warning Service™. Study after study shows that AccuWeather provides the most accurate, precise, and detailed forecasts, which give you an exclusive umbrella of protection. 

Independent studies show that AccuWeather’s forecasts are significantly more accurate and more valuable than all other sources. Last winter, AccuWeather’s average error for start and end times for snow and ice was only 1½ hours compared to an average error of more than 3 hours from other sources.

Don't let uncertainty define your winter. Experience the AccuWeather advantage firsthand. Get started today.